Psychotherapy for Adults


"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare it. Is because we do not dare that that things are difficult"
The Psychotherapy-Counseling-Coaching-Center offers the following services for children, teenagers, adults,e.g. expats, expats spouse.
Treatment of psychological symptoms such as:
* Depression: e.g. persistent lack of       enthusiasm,basic negative tendency

* Stress, burnout, exhaustion,

* Anger management

* Lack of self-esteem

* Various physical complaints, pain relief

*  Sleep problems and migraines

*  Phobias, anxiety and fears ( e.g. agoraphobia, locked rooms, narrow roads, public speaking)

* Panic attack

* Self Harm

*  Loss and grieving, lCounseling for Helpers in the case of death

* Addictions such a drinking Alcohol and smoking, internet,

*Post-traumatic disturbances

*Eating disorders

* Abuse

*Coercive thoughs or Obessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

* Sexual Issues

* Stuttering

* Weight control

* Hair pulling

Any issue of your concern will be considered.